Residents of Village at Proprietors Green were thrilled to re-live the drama and melancholy of an aging silent screen actress who could not come to terms with her fading stardom in the radio play, Sunset Boulevard, from the Talking Information Center Network. Volunteer actors auditioned for their roles in this radio play from the Talking Information Center Network. Eric Joseph, Executive Director of the Bay Colony Shakespeare Company, directed the play.

Enthusiastic Village at Proprietors Green audience members mingled with the TIC Network Actors, including (left to right) Arcely French, resident; Joseph Krein, actor, Jennifer Love, actress; Maura Rand, resident; and Nickie Pelzcar, resident of Village at Proprietors Green.

Another cast member from the Talking Information Center Network Radio Play Sunset Boulevard is Karen Ferrari.

Eric Joseph, Executive Director of the Bay Colony Shakespeare Company, and play director, takes the podium.

The radio play also included the expertise of actor, Marc Creegan.