A summer-themed dance party is the way to spell fun at the senior living community, Village at Proprietors Green. Yummy snacks and beverages, fun cut-outs, and of course, tons of dancing were in abundance. The Dance Party is just one of the energizing activities the Marshfield community planned for this summer.

Jack Richardson gets into the swim of things with a smile.

Maura and Paul Rand are among the first to hit the dance floor during the Summer Dance Party!

New residents Marjorie and Al Gates have a friendly chat with Village at Proprietors Green Resident Services Director Valeri Williams.

Residents Priscilla Burgess and Chris O’Brien get into the swing of things with their pink flamingo eye disguise.

Nimble residents dance to the beat of summer songs during the Summer Dance Party.

Resident Arcely French is in good spirits as she jumps into dancing during the Village at Proprietors Green Summer Dance Party!

Friends Edith Griffiths and Bob Roth are perched to throw their mini beach balls during the Dance Party extravaganza.

Ocean-themed party decorations such as resident Edith Seacord’s crab further lighten the mood of the summer dance party.

Clapping along to the music and the merriment is Village at Proprietors Green resident Leah Cox.

Resident Nickie Pelzar dances up a storm at the Summer Dance Party.

The spirit of summer is not lost on residents Ruth Popp and Joan Coogan.