

In the New Year, maybe Happiness Should be the Number One Resolution

Dec 14, 2015

This time of year is often one of reflection; resolving to make changes to enhance quality of life. Although classic resolutions such as losing weight, eating healthier, exercising, saving more money or breaking an unhealthy habit certainly have their merits sometimes they prove difficult to achieve and maintain without a strong support network. So why not look at New Year’s Resolutions from a different perspective? Why not resolve to make the kinds of changes that will make life easier, decrease stress and anxiety, allow more time for enjoyment and simply being happy?

According to an article published on the Harvard Medical School website titled “The Contagion of Happiness,” happiness is an emotion that is difficult to define, yet very possible to achieve. How much money is in your back account has less to do with happiness than a sense of gratitude for what we have and positive relationships with others. In fact, simply being around others who are happy can lead to greater happiness.

A good place to start is to think about what your ideal life will look like. Will you be spending more time with loved ones? Making new friends? Pursuing a passion or interest that you haven’t had time to do because other responsibilities kept getting in the way? Or investigating new hobbies and interests?

Now think about the things that have been a barrier to your happiness. Do you spend too much time and energy trying to keep up with cooking, cleaning, laundry and other household chores? Do harsh winter weather conditions prevent you from getting where you’d like to be? Do you worry about clearing snow and ice from your driveway and walkway?

Comparing your ideal life to the roadblocks to achieving it can help you start thinking about making changes. What better way to move beyond many of the aggravations of everyday life than to eliminate them completely? That is exactly what people who move to Village at Proprietors Green have done. Although making a move is a big decision, it is well worth considering.

The first step may be scheduling a tour and complimentary luncheon. See for yourself all that Village at Proprietors Green has to offer. If you are helping a parent with the transition, invite them to accompany you. If looking for yourself – feel free to bring one of your grown children or a friend. From the menu selections designed to delight to the superior service we provide, we feel confident your first experience with us will be a positive one. Ask to see our fitness center and learn more about on-site physical therapy. Check out the movie theater and our Pub, which is a very happy gathering place. Talk to people who live here about the activities, outings and celebrations that are a routine part of life at Proprietors Green. Peek into a model apartment and see how light, bright, spacious and modern it is. Once you’re ready to move, we’ll help with all the details from downsizing your current apartment or home to arranging for movers to make certain your treasured belongings come with you.

Perhaps a whole lot of happiness is waiting for you here in the New Year!

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