

By Leaps and Bounds the Annual “Bunny Hop” is a Huge Success!

Apr 18, 2017

Once again, Village at Proprietors Green extends a heart-felt thank you to all of the professionals who attended the annual networking event. The celebration is the community’s way of showing appreciation for all of the professionals who refer clients to our retirement living community and one of our three housing and care options, independent living, assisted living, or memory care.

The Bunny Hop event for professionals would not be complete without the “Easter Bunny” being well represented. Lynda Chuckran, director of community relations for Welch Senior Living, waves to some adoring fans as she greets Maureen Celorier, RN, liaison team leader for the South Region, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, Partners Healthcare at Home.

The Bunny Hop event for professionals would not be complete without the “Easter Bunny” being well represented. Lynda Chuckran, director of community relations for Welch Senior Living, waves to some adoring fans as she greets Maureen Celorier, RN, liaison team leader for the South Region, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network, Partners Healthcare at Home.

Bunny Hop enthusiasts and professional colleagues from Norwell VNA and Hospice who attended Village at Proprietors Green recent networking and thank you event are (left to right): Jeanne Hill, RN, intake nurse; Susan McGahan, RN, BSN, transitional care nurse; Noreen Cataldo, RN, BSN. CCM, transitional care nurse; and Michelle Tripanier, RN, BSN, transitional care nurse.

Bunny Hop enthusiasts and professional colleagues from Norwell VNA and Hospice who attended Village at Proprietors Green recent networking and thank you event are (left to right): Jeanne Hill, RN, intake nurse; Susan McGahan, RN, BSN, transitional care nurse; Noreen Cataldo, RN, BSN. CCM, transitional care nurse; and Michelle Tripanier, RN, BSN, transitional care nurse.

Homestead Senior Care’s Debbera Silva, a home care consultant and Mary Worthington, LCSW, franchise owner, take a moment for a photograph with Village at Proprietors Green Sales Manager Mike Iarocci and Sales Director, Joann Hicks.

Homestead Senior Care’s Debbera Silva, a home care consultant and Mary Worthington, LCSW, franchise owner, take a moment for a photograph with Village at Proprietors Green Sales Manager Mike Iarocci and Sales Director, Joann Hicks.

Village at Proprietors Green Sales Director Joann Hicks poses for a photograph with her professional colleagues. They are (left to right) Mary Tiedtke, LSW and Janice Lindlom, LSW, MSW, both from Bay Path Rehab & Nursing Center in Duxbury, and Emily Lunch, director of marketing and communications, BaneCare South.

Village at Proprietors Green Sales Director Joann Hicks poses for a photograph with her professional colleagues. They are (left to right) Mary Tiedtke, LSW and Janice Lindlom, LSW, MSW, both from Bay Path Rehab & Nursing Center in Duxbury, and Emily Lynch, director of marketing and communications, BaneCare South.

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