With Easter right around the corner, the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Village at Proprietors Green brings families together to celebrate their loved ones and an enduring joy of childhood! The children were delighted and delightful. The residents even had a chance to hug the Easter Bunny.

Resident Rose Micknowicz shares a smile with Fynn Crowell (left) and his sister, Maddy Crowell.

The Easter Bunny shares a hug with resident Anne Laskey.

During the hunt, Kathyrn McPhee found the “Golden Egg!”

Adeline Murphy, a resident at Village at Proprietors Green, shares a smile with James Boland as he displays his cache of eggs.

Theo Johnson is ready to roll!

The Easter Bunny and resident Anne Laskey appear to be the best of pals.

Ava Tordiglione has quite a colorful display of eggs she found at Village at Proprietors Green while visiting Lorraine Quinn

Resident Services Director Valeri Williams always has time to smile!