Village at Proprietors Green never misses an opportunity to celebrate its residents. Mother’s Day provides the perfect occasion to honor the women in our lives who are mothers. At Village at Proprietors Green the celebration is always multi-generational – just like a big family!
- Resident Lydia Hale shares many wonderful memories with her daughters on Mother’s Day. From left to right they are Chris Regan and Beth Buchholz.
- Resident Services Director Valeri Williams enjoys greeting residents and their families at the Mother’s Day brunch at Village at Proprietors Green. Valeri is featured here with Adele Milani.
- Lilla O’Donoghue, a resident at Village at Proprietors Green shares brunch with her daughter Brenda McInnis.
- Dining room servers (from left to right) Sasha Damon and Amelia Scholin work diligently to make all the mothers feel special during the Mother’s Day brunch.
- Resident Polly Stiglich enjoys the company of her three daughters, (left to right) Lisa Stiglich, Joanne LaForest, and Dianne Gilligan.
- Rose Micknowicz is beaming as she poses with her granddaughter Roslyn Crowell and her great granddaughter Madelyn Crowell.
- Resident Dorothy Macdonald enjoys a visit from her son and daughter-in-law, Hugh and Sabrina Macdonald.
- Martha Reeves, a Village at Proprietors Green resident enjoys Mother’s Day with her two daughters, (from left to right) Stacey McGrath and Shelley Eardley.
- Village at Proprietors Green resident Janet Adams is pleased her granddaughter and her husband, Jen and Mike Degagne, could join her at the Mother’s Day brunch.