For professionals in the senior living industry, the Networking Party of the summer is certainly the Lobster Bake at Village at Proprietors Green. This annual thank-you event celebrates the strong and valuable partnerships between the senior living community and its many referral colleagues, both within and outside the field of healthcare.
During this year’s event, nearly 100 healthcare and business professionals enjoyed a classic feast of lobster, clam chowder and seasonal favorites. Among those catching up with colleagues or touring the community were professionals from visiting nurse associations, skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers, area hospitals, home care agencies and elder care organizations.
Managed by Welch Senior Living, Village at Proprietors Green in Marshfield offers a continuum of care that includes independent living, assisted living, and memory care.
For more information or to schedule a tour, call 781-319-5061 or click here.

Welch Senior Living Director of Community Relations Lynda Chuckran (second from left) stands with her referral colleagues from South Shore Health System, including far left, TJ White, community outreach liaison; Jann Ahern, vice president of home & community care operations; Lisa Royer, director of home & health resources, and Tina Dwyer, director of care coordination/community benefits officer.

Kate Granigan, LICSW, C-ASWCM, CEO of LifeCare Advocates and a long-time referral partner for Village at Proprietors Green and Welch Senior Living, gets ready to dive into a delicious lobster dinner.

Mingling with colleagues you don’t see all the time is one of the many benefits of the annual Lobster Bake farewell-to-summer party. Norwell VNA and Hospice CEO Renee McInnes (left) chats with Nancy Zappolo, director of referral and case management, BaneCare South.

Ellen Steward, manager of client relations for Brigham and Women’s Hospital takes time for a photo with Tom Anderson, physician liaison at Brigham and Women’s, and (far right) Rose DiPietro, chief transformation officer – South Shore Health System.

Before the Lobster Bake begins, Village at Proprietors Green Executive Director Colleen Ferguson greets Elizabeth White, a Pembroke-based elder law attorney.

Sales Manager for Village at Proprietors Green, Mike Iarocci, greets local representatives from the Marshfield Council Aging (left to right) Edris Kelley, Lifelong Learning representative and Sheila Gagnon, vice chairperson of the Marshfield COA Board of Directors.

Plymouth resident and State Representative (First Plymouth District-R) Matt Muratore, enjoys opening remarks as referral partners are welcomed to the Lobster Bake at Village at Proprietors Green.

Michelle E. Woodbrey (CSA)®, CEO of 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors, greets Village at Proprietors Green Sales Manager Michael Iarocci, before the community’s annual Lobster Bake feast.

Among the many healthcare referral partners Village at Proprietors Green welcomed to the Lobster Bake was Eve Masiello, LICSW, director of the senior behavioral health center – Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth.